VOSHA TEAM NETWORK > Mite | Squirt | Pee-Wee | Bantam | Midget | Girls

  • Tryouts & Registration

    VOSHA's Summer Season tryouts begin 06/01. Click here for more details
  • Next VOSHA Board Meeting!!! May 11 @ 7pm
    Date: 5/3/2010
  • Corporate Partners

    Arcadia Ice Arena
    3853 East Thomas Rd
    Phoenix, AZ 85018
    (602) 957-9966


2010 - 11 Try-outs
Date: 4/14/2010
By: Jim Rogers

The Valley of the Sun Hockey Association is proud to announce the following Try-out sessions:

Download the Tryout Registration Form or Click here to register online:

*** Pre-registration discounted cost will be applied to ONLY the sessions specified for pre-registration. If submitting a printed "try-out registration form" please specify which time slots you are registering for. If you are registering online, please add the dates to the comments field and adjust the payment total accordingly.

Please note - any payment made at an ice session will be charged the regular rate of $25.


U10 Tue 6/1 5:10pm
Thu 6/3 5:10pm
Sun 6/6 1:20pm
U16AA Wed 6/2 7:20pm
Sat 6/5 2:10pm - (there will be a session upstairs in the Full Strength Gym after this tryout at 3:30pm)
Sun 6/6 4:50pm
Wed 6/9 8:20pm
U12 Sat 6/5 4:40pm
Sun 6/6 2:30pm
U16AAA Thu 6/3 6:30pm
Fri 6/4 5:35pm
Sat 6/5 3:20pm
Sun 6/6 12:00pm
U14 Sun 6/6 3:40pm
Tue 6/8 7:20pm
Girls Fri 6/11 5:35pm
Sat 6/12 2:10pm
U14AA Tue 6/1 6:30pm
Thu 6/3 7:50pm
Sat 6/5 6pm


Try-outs will be $20.00 per session pre-paid, pre-registered. $25.00 per slot day of.

Everyone must fill out a try-out registration form, and current good standing with USA Hockey and the State of Arizona.

Coaches for the 2010 - 2011 Season
Date: 4/1/2010
By: Jim Rogers

The Head coaches for the 2010 - 11 hockey season have been announced.

u8 - Mites - All Vosha Head Coaches will be coaching in the Vosha Mite American Developmental Model (ADM) Program this year. The Mites 8 and under age group will be on the ice 3-4 times per week. Focus will be on intense Skill acquisition and development. Select teams will be chosen to compete in competition with the other mite teams in the state and select tournaments. All players will participate in cross-ice games weekly.

u10 Squirts - Jim Rogers

u12 - Peewee - Rick Roof/Gayle Shalloo

u14 - Bantam - Bill Oliver

u14 - Bantam AA - Steve Shapiro

u16 - Midget AA - Gary Swanson

u16 - Midget AAA - Brad Bayer

Girls u16, Girls u19 - Gayle Shalloo

Try-outs will be the week of June 1st.

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 97983
Phoenix, Arizona 85060-7983

Board Members

Robert Gosnell - voshapres@aol.com

Vice President:
Paul Smith - smith_luap@yahoo.com

Carolyn Coope - cgc@stevenseng.com


